Torpedo Pharmaceuticals AG is a biotech company based in Basel, Switzerland, with a primary focus on developing the next generation radiopharmaceuticals for cancer treatment.
The company is accelerating development of its promising Tb-based radiopharmaceuticals through strategic partnerships with academic institutions and industrial partners. Torpedo also continuously scout for novel technologies to expand their pipeline.
Scientists with PhD education and extensive know-how in nuclear medicine.
Scientific papers published in prestigious journals by Torpedo's collaborators.
Annual revenue forecast for 2031.
The Company is also identifying synergies between Torqur's anticancer molecule (i.e., bimiralisib) and Torpedo's radioligand therapies to elevate the standard of care in oncology, maximizing tumor regression and minimizing recurrence potential.
Advisory Board: Scientific Eminence
Torpedo is poised for success by hiring the team who first developed 161Tb for therapeutic use, and by partnering with global leaders in the fields of nuclear medicine and oncology:
Advisory Board Member / Cleveland Clinic
Nuclear Medicine
Elcin Zan, M.D., is a dual board-certified radiologist specializing in Neuroradiology and Nuclear Medicine. She is the Chair of Nuclear Medicine at Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Zan focuses on exploring the full potential of radiopharmaceutical therapies in oncology to meaningfully improve patient outcomes in clinic and research.
Advisory Board Member / Cleveland Taussig Cancer Institute
Prof. Alex A. Adjei is an accomplished researcher in the field of experimental therapeutics and clinical drug development. He is a Professor of Oncology and a Professor of Pharmacology at the Mayo College of Medicine (Rochester, USA), as well as a consultant in Medical Oncology at Mayo Clinic.
Advisory Board Member / University of Frankfurt / Theranostic Wiesbaden
Nuclear medicine and oncology
Professor Baum is an expert in Nuclear Medicine and Precision Oncology. He is a Professor of Nuclear Medicine at the University of Frankfurt / Main.
Advisory Board Member / Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center
Nuclear Medicine and Oncology
Oliver Sartor, M.D., is a medical oncologist in the Division of Medical Oncology in the Department of Oncology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Sartor serves as chair of the Genitourinary Cancer Disease Group and director of Radiopharmaceutical Clinical Trials across the enterprise for Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Sartor joined the staff of Mayo Clinic in April 2023.
Advisory Board Member / University Clinical Center Serbia
Nuclear Medicine
Prof. Artiko is the Director of the Nuclear Medicine Centre at the Clinical Centre of Serbia, as well as Head of the Department for Specialist Studies in Nuclear Medicine, and President of the Serbian Nuclear Medicine Society.
Advisory Board Member
Drug Development
Dr. Thomas Sander, Scientific Advisor and Co-Founder, is an expert in cheminformatics and the Head of Scientific Computing at Idorsia Pharmaceuticals Ltd in Allschwil, Switzerland. After finishing his PhD thesis in organic chemistry, Thomas joined a team at Roche in Basel in 1993 to develop software for drug discovery.
Advisory Board Member / MIT
Nuclear Physics
Professor Vladan Vuletić earned the Physics Diploma with highest honors from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München in 1992, and a Ph.D. in Physics (summa cum laude) from the same institution under the supervision of Professor T.W. Haensch in 1997.
Advisory Board Member
Translational Oncology
Dr. Ralph M. Wirtz is a leading international molecular biologist who is very successfully involved in various research and development projects, all of which improve and develop innovative technologies to combat oncological diseases and make them available for patients.